“Where would I be without Coffee?”

Hemp-Infused Coffee

Hemp-Infused Coffee

Vroeg oggend kry ek altyd heerlike koffie in die bed.

Ek weet! Hoe gelukkig kan 'n girl nou wees.

Gewoonlik is die boeretroos bedoel om mens baie energie te gee sodat jy flink uit die bed uitspring en jou dag begin.

Ek het goeie nuus! Soos die advertensies lief is om te sê: "But wait theres more."

Vandat ek die wornder CBD olie begin gebruik en nie uitgepraat kan raak oor die voordele daarvan nie, het ek meer begin oplees en meer produkte begin koop.

Een van die wonderlike produkte is hulle Hemp-Infused Coffee wat onderandere van Arabica beans en chaga mushroom en CBD gemaak word.

Wat op aarde is chaga mashroom?

Ek heg 'n link en artikel aan wat al die vele opwindende voordele van die magic mushroom bespreek.

Maar in 'n neute dop help dit onderandere om jou imuniteit te verhoog, inflimasie tee te werk en bevat dit anti kanker eienskappe.



Of all the functional mushrooms, chaga mushrooms are the most powerful

 ANTIOXIDANT GOLD. So where do chaga mushrooms come into the free radical equation? Thanks to their high antioxidant content, chaga mushrooms contain free radical scavengers — and strong ones at that. They seek out free radicals and donate an electron to neutralise them and prevent more damage. Nutrient-dense superfood Chaga mushrooms are rich in a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including: B-complex vitamins, vitamin D, potassium, rubidium, cesium, amino acids, fiber, copper, selenium, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium.


If you’re looking to fight off the common cold or other illnesses, chaga mushrooms might help. Another way chaga mushrooms can boost the immune system is promoting the formation of cytokines. These proteins are the immune system's chemical messengers and stimulate white blood cells, which are the body’s first responders to infections or bacteria and viruses.


Inflammation is the immune system’s defense mechanism against injury and infection. The immune system responds by either treating or repairing the damage or it signals the body to fight back against harmful invaders, such as bacteria or viruses. But research shows that chaga mushrooms can prevent the production of harmful cytokines.


While no one food can prevent cancer, multiple studies show chaga mushrooms have strong anti-cancer properties, especially when it comes to slowing the growth of certain types of cancer. What makes chaga so potent? The mushroom contains the medicinal compound betulin, a type of antioxidant known as a triterpene. And studies have shown this compound has anti-cancer and properties. More human studies are definitely needed, but the research that has been conducted so far seems promising.